Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Almost Newlywed Game

I thought some of you readers might get a kick out of the game we played at last weekend's shower. It was called "The Almost Newlywed Game" - a take off of the old "Newlywed Game". Instead of having everyone participate, I was the only contestant in this game.

A couple of months prior to the shower, Cindy had emailed Brandon for his responses. The day of the shower, I gave my answers. You can see below how great of a match we are!!!

The Almost Newlywed Game

by Cindy

Brandon's Answers in Blue

Brooke's Answers in Pink

1. When Brooke puts on a new roll of toilet paper, does the paper fall up and over or down in back?

Wow. Up and over?

Up and over.

2. When and where was your very first date?

2005 - P.F. Changs

December 2005 - Cheesecake Factory

3. What were both of you wearing on the first date?

I'm pretty sure she had jeans and UGGs on, but I'm not sure about the top. I also had on jeans, along with sandals - in minus 3 degree weather!

I was wearing jeans with a black fleece. He was probably wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with a heavy winter coat on because it was minus 3 degrees outside!

4. What is Brandon's favorite food?

That Brooke makes??? Chicken Alfredo.

Chicken Alfredo.

5. What would Brandon say is his favorite hobby?

Watching the Cubs, golf, and softball.

Watching the Cubs.

6. What is Brooke's most favorite store when she goes shopping?

J Crew

Geez, I don't shop a lot. Maybe Old Navy?

7. What is the last movie you saw together?

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Disney's Earth

8. Is Brandon a boxers or briefs sort of guy?



9. What would Brandon's perfect night at home include?

Alfredo, a Cubs win, cuddling with Brooke on the couch.

Watching a Cubs game. And Brandon is a suck-up for saying cuddling!

10. What one possession would Brandon like Brooke to get rid of?


Whoa. I don't know. My cell phone?

11. What is the color of your kitchen dishes going to be?

Black and white checkered.

Black and white checkered.

12. What is Brooke's least favorite household duty?

Cleaning the toilet.

Cleaning the bathroom.

13. Who says "I Love You" more?


Both of us.

14. If Brooke could replace Brandon with a superstar, who would it be?

No Clue. Matthew Ma____...whatever his name is.
Matthew McConaughey
15. What would Brandon's dream vehicle be?
Brooke knows how much I love the car I have now. Maybe for the future a Hummer SUT.
A big 4 door truck.
16. Who does more cooking?
17. What is Brandon's most embarrassing moment?
I don't have one.
I don't know! I don't think he has one!
18. What is Brooke's zodiac sign?
19. What is Brandon's worse habit?
I don't think she cares for my sound effects.
He farts!
20. What famous person does Brooke resemble?
Brooke is simple and low key. She is NOT high maintenance. Maybe Reese Witherspoon?
Probably a hottie like Angelina Jolie.
21. What article of clothing does Brandon most like to see Brooke wearing?
She has this black summer dress that I like...
Brandon probably likes me in jeans and t-shirt. I'm low key.
So, there you have it. The "Almost Newlywed Game". It was such a fun game to play...and everyone was surprised by all the answers we had in common! I guess that is a good thing for two people about to get married!!!
***And Brandon made it clear that our first date was definitely PF Changs, not Cheesecake Factory as I originally thought. I have since re-thought my answer...and he is correct. (Dang...hate when that happens!!!)***

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