Monday, July 29, 2013

Miss Addison - 7 Months Old!

 Our Little Peanut is growing up way too fast!!!

Miss Addison is now 7 months old and army crawling all over the place.  She is still as happy as ever and the mild mannered little girl that she was when she was born.  She is surpassing all her pediatric milestones and is such a smart little one!  She has two lower teeth in and loves chewing on anything she can put in her mouth.  Her favorite foods are Garden Vegetables and Fruit flavored oatmeal.  She is trying to learn how to drink from a sippy cup now.  She sometimes says "Mama" and "Dada" but doesn't know what these mean yet...  She hasn't lost a single strand of hair - in fact, it keeps growing!  Little Peanut still has the prettiest blue eyes and reddish locks of hair.

Using our backpack carrier on a walk around the neighborhood
Mommy & Addison
Walking with Wrigley
She is sitting well - but didn't like the prickly dry grass!
Her feet didn't like the prickly grass either!
She loves being thrown in the air by Daddy!
Beautiful Little Peanut
Standing on the cement with Daddy was just fine.
Another time in the soft grass and wearing her shades
Smiling for Mommy
Trying to feed herself!
Food is coming!
Shy Smile!
We love her SOOOOooooo much!