Saturday, May 29, 2010

Riviera Maya Day 5

This was our favorite day yet!!! In fact, this is one of the big surprise adventures that I told you we were keeping secret until it happened.

Today, Brandon and I did the Tulum Extreme experience...and it was quite the experience! After a 2 hour drive, we arrived at Tulum - one of the most recent made Mayan ruins. The temple that Brandon and I are standing in front of is the Temple to worship the sun Gods. This is also the temple where human sacrifice is made. Apparently, they would find a slave, slice open the belly (while the person is alive), then the High Priest would reach in and pull out the heart. They felt the human heart to be the highest sacrifice. Then, they would throw the body into the bottom of the temple. The temple area was completely roped off...otherwise I would have been searching for Mayan's the autopsy tech in me, I guess!
The Mayans sure knew where to build their fortress... if I were an ancient Mayan, I would have chosen this location too!!!

After returning from the Tulum ruins, the small village at the bottom was putting on a Mayan show. These crazy fellows were hanging upside down swinging around....about 100 feet in the air! They expected me to pay them to take a picture with my own camera...didn't happen!
Since we had a long wait before lunch, Brandon and I grabbed a snack before hitting the road again. It was the best tasting $20.00 Dr. Pepper, gatorade, and chips. TWENTY DOLLARS! U.S. DOLLARS! Wish they would have displayed prices before opening the can!
On to one of our favorite parts....rappelling! Shane (B's brother) and Michelle would have LOVED this! We got to rappel 2 times down an 85 foot tree tower down into an underground cave. It was so beautiful and SO MUCH FUN!
Here's B hanging over the edge...
And here's me hanging over the edge...
Then.....we zip lined!!! SO FUN!!! Felt like we were flying! Here I am demonstrating the perfect cannonball type form.
And here is Brandon with our fabulous tour guide, Victor. He was so awesome!
And since Brandon had the camera with him...he became videographer as well. Please enjoy a ride on the zip line for yourself via B's camera!

We wish we could have experienced this with family...but some day will have to head back to Tulum Extreme!

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