Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our First Christmas Tree!

Last night, B and I decided it was time to find ourselves a Christmas tree. I don't know what made us decide to go look last night, but I'm sure glad we did.....

Look what we found!!!!!!!!!!!! Our first Christmas tree with lights!!!

Just joking. That's not really our Christmas tree, although it would be a sweet one. That is just the palm tree we found in the Christmas section and my eyes lit up as soon as I saw it! It will be our "year round" tree - perfect for us since we love the beach. We figure it will look great on our porch in the summertime!

THIS is our first Christmas tree! 7 feet tall and narrower than a normal Christmas tree...the perfect size for our place. We've got pink, lime green, turquois, and silver balls on it....along with some awesome pink flamingos that I got from Brandon's mom last Christmas. We topped it off with pink and white lights... We love our pretty tree and will enjoy it over the next few years!

And here is my cute little family sitting in our Winter Wonderland Forrest!

We are heading to Tennessee to visit Brandon's family during Thanksgiving and then to Iowa to see my family at Christmas. We are really looking forward to spending time with family!!!

Family Visit

Last weekend, we had a wonderful visit from my family! They came in for the Iowa / Ohio State game and we had a GREAT TIME! Special thanks to Cyndy and Garrett for joining in on the fun! We loved having all of you!

Friday night we went to a great restaurant, Ted's Montana Grill. It was a place that would serve bison upon request. They had the greatest homemade pickles....I think we went through 6 bowls before dinner!

Then we took everyone to the Columbus Blue Jackets game. It was my first ever hockey game - and PROFESSIONAL hockey game at that! It was "ELECTRIC" as Brandon would say. The Blue Jackets tied up the game in the 3rd period and both teams went scoreless during overtime. This meant we got to see a SHOOT OUT! Talk about nerve wrecking! It was so exciting to see the Blue Jackets score the goal that won the game. Everyone had a great time!
Garrett has Taylor's signature pose down pretty well!
Saturday was the big game. We decided to dress in Hawkeye gear (and Brandon in his Alabama gear) to tail-gate with the Iowa Fans. We even went in to the "Hawkeye Huddle" and scored some free popcorn and trail mix! The brats we cooked on the disposable grill were awesome and we had fun throwing a football around before the game.
Kasey, Taylor, Garrett, and Cyndy scored tickets and got into the game....the rest of us had to watch on the TV....but that meant we got to see the 5 second national tv slot when the cameras zoomed in on my sisters! It was hilarious!!!

We had a WONDERFUL weekend! Thanks to Mom, Dad, Kasey, Taylor, Garrett, and Cyndy for are welcome anytime!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Tale of A Little Dog

As told by Wrigley Holyfield Wright

Hi humans. Wrigley here. The lady who calls herself "Mommy" thought I should explain what happened to me last night on her blog. She thought you other humans might like knowing a little tale....

Last night, Mommy let me out the front door so I could go to the bathroom. Usually, I go and come right back inside where it is warm... But, since Mommy left me on the small, cramped porch all day long while she went to work, I was a little excited. She let me out the front door....and AWAY I WENT!!! I could feel the cool air breeze through my felt so good to give my muscles a little exercise!

That crazy lady, Mommy, kept yelling my name to come back. But, I WAS FREE!!!

I sniffed out a few areas and found a place to go to the bathroom...then decided to play a little trick on Mommy. I trotted back towards the door - as if I would actually go inside - and then AWAY I WENT AGAIN! Yippee!!! I made a break for the open green grass while Mommy kept yelling at me! I couldn't go back now....I'd get in trouble! I even sniffed out a place across the street - it was so much fun....that crazy lady thought I might actually LISTEN to her!!!

But then something bad happened. I decided it was time to go back inside.

I didn't look left-right-left when I crossed the street - and I got nailed by a car. It hit me smack in the left side! Man, did that hurt! I even broke the cover on the lady's license plate!!!

I was in so much pain that I panicked.....I ran off to find a place to hide! Mommy yelled and yelled for me - and I could hear her crying to daddy on the phone. He's my best friend and I never would have played these tricks on him. I miss him when he is on business trips and I know Mommy does too.

I could still hear Mommy searching for me at 3am. Geez - she's persistent!!! But then things got quiet. I think that's when Mommy was putting food in the garage for me in case I went back home. Crazy I would go back THERE right now! I was hurting!

Mommy kept wondering where I was through the night and early morning - but I'm going to keep that secret to myself. I started to feel better and decided to explore. Nothing like getting hit by a car to FINALLY get the chance to explore the other side of the condo complex!

Around 7am, I could hear Mommy yelling for me again - but I didn't know where she was. I was trying to find my way back home, but I'd gotten lost during my adventure.

While I was back exploring the trash bin for the condos, I saw a silver car drive past - and THERE SHE WAS!!!! MOMMY! I hoped she hadn't seen me - and decided to race her back to the condo. She yelled my name over and over - and I'm pretty sure she spotted me running like crazy in her rear view mirror. She must have thought I was hurt pretty bad - and I'm sure she felt so relieved to see me running so fast without a limp! I was pretty fast running home - and I think Mommy lost where I was again..... But after a few minutes, she came driving past the condo...and...SURPRISE!!! I was waiting on the doorstep for her!

Man, did she cry then! She was SO EXCITED to see me!!! She was so excited when I was jumping on her - she usually doesn't like that - but I think she had thought I was hurt.

Even though I was doing everything I could to show her I was safe, that crazy lady still took me to the doctor. That doctor lady is really nice and she always gives me good treats. She squeezed my legs, listened to my heart and lungs, and poked around on my face. I heard her tell Mommy that I looked really good for getting hit by a car the night before! The only thing they saw was road rash (scratches) on my left eyebrow.

It was one crazy night. Mommy didn't get any sleep....Daddy didn't get any sleep...and I didn't get any sleep. Mommy has stayed by my side all day long making sure I keep looking good. Man - she won't leave me alone!

Thanks for the prayers from Iowa and Tennessee. I felt so lost until I heard Mommy's voice this morning...then I knew exactly how to get back home! I feel good now...just tired!

Love, Wrigley

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wrigley and The Wrangler

Sometimes, it makes me laugh just to observe my husband...especially when he doesn't know that I am filming him!

He is such a little kid and it makes my day!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What a Fun Fall!

This past weekend, Brandon and I welcomed Shane and Michelle to our place in Columbus!!! A visit from B's brother and sister-in-law was just what I needed after finishing such a busy month of October at the hospital. We had a WONDERFUL time and can't wait for them to come again another time!

On Friday night, since I was working until midnight, Brandon took them to the Columbus Blue Jackets game. I was informed MULTIPLE times (thanks, guys!) that the game was unbelievable and SO MUCH FUN! Really glad I had to be at the hospital....wahhh waahhhhh.

Saturday night, on Halloween, we went to the movie "Paranormal Activity" which was awesome. I'd heard different people say it was scary...and others said it was stupid...but I thought it was scary and good! Michelle and I had a tough time sleeping that night - and were easily awoken by normal noises. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend it!!!

After the movie, we went out to eat at Cheesecake Factory and had a great time! It was nice to feel like a "normal" person again and not be at the hospital 24/7.

This afternoon, Brandon and I took advantage of the beautiful - chilly - fall weather and took Wrigley to a field where she could run.
We can tell she is getting much older because she is getting too fast to catch! She's starting to get bold and run a little further away than she has before - but she always keeps us in sight and comes back quickly!!!
We've taught her a few tricks. Now she can SIT, SHAKE, DANCE, LAY DOWN...and ROLL OVER is still a work in progress.
Here, Wrigley demonstrates her DANCE moves!
Sit, Wrigley...Sit

I forgot this one....she knows SMILE too!

We had a great time today with Wrigley! She is such a blast and a great addition to our family!