Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What a Fun Fall!

This past weekend, Brandon and I welcomed Shane and Michelle to our place in Columbus!!! A visit from B's brother and sister-in-law was just what I needed after finishing such a busy month of October at the hospital. We had a WONDERFUL time and can't wait for them to come again another time!

On Friday night, since I was working until midnight, Brandon took them to the Columbus Blue Jackets game. I was informed MULTIPLE times (thanks, guys!) that the game was unbelievable and SO MUCH FUN! Really glad I had to be at the hospital....wahhh waahhhhh.

Saturday night, on Halloween, we went to the movie "Paranormal Activity" which was awesome. I'd heard different people say it was scary...and others said it was stupid...but I thought it was scary and good! Michelle and I had a tough time sleeping that night - and were easily awoken by normal noises. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend it!!!

After the movie, we went out to eat at Cheesecake Factory and had a great time! It was nice to feel like a "normal" person again and not be at the hospital 24/7.

This afternoon, Brandon and I took advantage of the beautiful - chilly - fall weather and took Wrigley to a field where she could run.
We can tell she is getting much older because she is getting too fast to catch! She's starting to get bold and run a little further away than she has before - but she always keeps us in sight and comes back quickly!!!
We've taught her a few tricks. Now she can SIT, SHAKE, DANCE, LAY DOWN...and ROLL OVER is still a work in progress.
Here, Wrigley demonstrates her DANCE moves!
Sit, Wrigley...Sit

I forgot this one....she knows SMILE too!

We had a great time today with Wrigley! She is such a blast and a great addition to our family!

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