Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tonight's the Night!

I leave for Chattanooga tonight! I can't wait!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I Can't Wait!

Well, I'm heading to Tennessee soon to visit Boy - down to less than 2 days! I can't wait!

I'm heading there for Boy's Brother's Wedding. I am a Bridesmaid in the wedding...and am so anxious to walk down the aisle with Boy - kinda like practice for our own wedding! Wait - I guess the bride and groom don't walk down the aisle together until after the wedding - but you know what I mean!

I'm also anxious to see Boy's family. This is the first I will have see them since our engagement! And a little birdie told me they already have their fridge stocked with Diet Dr. Pepper - I'm a lucky girl!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Boy: The Travelin' Man

Well, Boy has been enjoying his time in Arlington, TX. He's there for a job, which I guess would not produce much enjoyment, but he's been able to go to the Rangers games for the past two nights...and as you've seen from previous posts, he is quite a baseball fan. There was a new pitcher throwing tonight who he said he was happy to get to see in person, so that's cool. I'm glad he is keeping himself busy...it makes his time away go faster.

By now you've probably guessed that I am "Girl". I'm very excited to see Boy again. With him being in Tennessee (Texas right now) and me being in Iowa, it makes it a little hard. At least we've done this for 2 years already. But usually when I know I get to see him soon, it makes me miss him even more! I think it's probably that I know it's coming up...but it can't come soon enough. I'm in Boy's brother's wedding at the end of May and I'm very excited! It will be nice to get a few days off from school....but also nice to see Boy and his family. I haven't seen them since the engagement and I'm very anxious to celebrate with them!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Coincidence? I think not!

Boy: Baseball pitcher all the way through college.
Girl: Softball catcher all the way through college.

Boy: Comes from a GREAT family.
Girl: Comes from a GREAT family.

Boy: Has 1 brother and happily married parents.
Girl: Has 2 sisters and happily married parents.

Boy: Enjoys the beach.
Girl: Enjoys scuba diving AND the beach.

Boy: Huge Cubs fan.
Girl: Transitioning from a Royals fan to a Cubs fan.

Boy: Stays true to his morals and values.
Girl: Stays true to her morals and values.

Boy: Loved by Girl's family.
Girl: Loved by Boy's family.

Boy: Loves Girl.
Girl: Loves Boy.

Is it coincidence that these two met? Boy from Tennessee and Girl from Iowa?

I think not! Someone had special plans for these two to meet. And both Boy and Girl are glad this relationship was part of His plans!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Boy Proposes. Girl says YES!

10:30pm, Friday, April 2, 2008

Girl is inside the house watching TV when Little Dog starts barking at the back door.

"What is she barking at?" Girl asks Little Sister.

"I'm not sure." Answers Little Sister.

Girl goes to the back window and peeks outside. Two brightly lit candles are on the table...rose petals are strewn about the deck.

"Oh my gosh. Am I supposed to go out there?" Says Girl.

"I don't know." Says Little Sister.

"Seriously....do I go out there?" Repeats Girl.

"Yes. Maybe you should go look." Says Little Sister....smile creeping across her face.

Girl opens the back door and walks outside. There she finds several Tiki torches lit with flames and even more rose petals and candles around the back deck. To her surprise, Boy comes walking out from beside the house. Girl can't believe her eyes!

Boy walks up and takes Girl's hand. Boy presents Girl with a beautiful red rose.

"I wanted to do this in Grand Cayman," says Boy, "but since that didn't work out, I thought I would bring a bit of Cayman to you." Girl now notices the white sand spread all over the deck.

"Ever since I met you, I knew there was something special. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Continues Boy to Girl.

Girl stands in front of Boy with a huge smile on her face.

Boy kneels down on one knee in the sand, at the same time pulling a diamond ring from his back pocket.

"Girl....will you marry me?"

"YES!!!" Screams Girl! "Yes!!!"

Boy places the beautiful diamond upon Girl's hand and the two embrace. It was beautiful!