Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wood Hunters

Brandon and I went on a fun adventure today - searching for wooden logs for our home-made dining room table that will go in our new place! We wanted to beat the rain since we would be making a trek in the woods - so that only left us about a 1/2 hour to look for what we needed. Enough time for pictures!

Here we are getting ready for our adventure. Brandon looks possessed by the devil and I look like a constipated clown. Fun times!

We promise that we LOVE the environment!!! All wood that we found was certified D.O.A. (dead on arrival) me....I'm 24 days away from being a doctor! I pulled out my stethoscope and there was no heartbeat. Here is Brandon working his magic. He claims that he did all the work - I say, "No way." We just had different jobs. He was the wood-worker....I was the photographer.
While we were out, I found this bone. Ironic. I LOVE bones. Brandon wouldn't let me touch it. Looked like it had been chewed on for a while at one end....but I promise you, it was a BONE! I'm not an anthropologist, but I can pretty much guarantee that it wasn't human. I totally would have taken it home if it was!

I spotted Sasquatch during the adventure. He was kind of hard to see through all the brush.

And here was our loot. We scored pretty good considering the 1/2 hour we had. We found one tree that was recently deceased - and were able to get 4 pieces out of the one log.

Brandon has been thinking of entering the "strong man competition" - but I'm afraid he will have to carry a lot more than this to even qualify! He said he was only making this face for the camera - but I think he was really working hard!!!

My dad = Awesome wood worker and craftsman. He has been building the table for us and was proud of the wood legs we found for him. He told us a few pieces were "too bendy" - we just thought they had character. In the end he kept 3 of the 4 legs we found. Guess that means we have another adventure tomorrow if the rain stops!!!
More pictures to come as the table progresses....
Maybe we'll even take pictures on tomorrow's adventure!

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