Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Taylor Update

Taylor is still having a wonderful time! She is now in Zambia and in action with GU SIFE. A few nights ago they visited a Graceland Alumnus, Kabinga Pande. Coincidentally, Kabinga was my tennis teammate while I was at Graceland! His family opened their home to the SIFE team and Taylor said it was a great evening!
Graceland is such a small community which reaches far across the world.
I will update as I hear things!

Rally Against Cancer

This blog is about something that I am involved with and very passionate about. The Rally is the largest fundraiser for the John Stoddard Cancer Center and the proceeds from the event go to support the programs and services provided to cancer patients and families as they go through the cancer journey.

This year is our 10th Anniversary and to celebrate, we have Coach Mike Ditka as our guest! In addition to hearing Coach Ditka speak, there will be a fabulous dinner, both a silent and live auction and the evening will end with the dueling piano group Pianopalooza. Tickets can be purchased online at www.JohnStoddardCancer.org/rally or by calling 1.515.241.6304. Working together we can fight cancer!”

Friday, January 8, 2010

Lions & Tigers & Bears...OH MY!

Well, Taylor made it safely to Africa and she is having a GREAT TIME!

The GU SIFE team flew into South Africa and stayed the first few days in Johannesburg at what appears to be a really nice place when looking at this picture.

Taylor explained that they don't have locks on the doors there...so, instead, she and her friends put a door jam in the door to protect their things. By the end of the first day there, the jam had already been stolen by one of the workers.....geez!

They also went on a "mini" Safari in an enclosed area. Taylor said they rode in a van but were told to keep all the windows closed the entire time. Apparently an Asian couple had done this tour a few years ago and didn't follow these directions - they were pulled from the car by lions, mauled, and killed. I guess lions don't like Chinese food? ***ba da dum.....thanks for the joke, dad!***

Taylor says they rolled the windows down.

She got some great pictures on her camera...and was later able to take a picture of the picture with her cell phone to send to us. This is how close they got to the lions....this one is Mufasa...

They also went to this African petting zoo type thing before the safari. Taylor said they had little baby lions there that they got to play with. She said they were like GIANT kittens! I guess they were going after her shoes....she said they would roar and it was so cute!

She also got to feed this giraffe. I don't think I have ever been to a zoo that let me get THIS CLOSE to a giraffe...I LOVE giraffes! Taylor said after she fed it, it licked her face.

She is having a once in a lifetime experience there and is really loving her time. Today they are flying to Zambia and spending time at Victoria falls.
I will keep you posted as I hear things!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Blog Has Been Hijacked by Family!!!

They haven't really hijacked my blog...but they are doing some great things today...while I am stuck working, reading, and sitting at home! Wahhhhhh waaaaaahhhhhhhh

Taylor, my youngest sister, left for Zambia today with the Graceland SIFE team. She was elected as one of six people to go to Africa for 3 weeks during winter term to work with young kids. She was nervous, but very excited. I believe her nervousness went away when she got on the plane..... she texted me with this picture, saying "We got blankets, pillows, socks, headphones, eye masks, toothpaste, and toothbrushes!" Just like another Christmas! I will try to keep you all updated on her adventures while she is there!

In other news, my middle sister, Kasey, has been down in Florida with her boyfriend Sam's family. Being that he was the former running back for Iowa (if you were watching the big game tonight, you would have heard his name mentioned with 1:49 left in the first half), she scored some tickets to the Orange Bowl. Here is when she was making me jealous upon her entry to the field....

And now with the view from her seats......30 yard line, first deck!!!!
And this was when Kool & The Gang was performing....

At the time of this post, Iowa is leading 14-7 after the first half. Kasey is getting to be there for one awesome game and I hope the Hawkeyes can keep it up!!!